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Acupuncturist : Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions
Service:Energy Healing Session change

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  • Remote Healing Sessions

    These are healings received from the comfort of your home.  We will talk on telephone or video call.

    • Intuitive Energy Healing Complimentary Discovery Call
      Is this work the right fit for you?  This is a complimentary 20 minute discovery call to answer any questions you may have about energy healing sessions and orient you to the nature of this work. 

    • Akashic Readings $150
      60 Minute Session
      Readings are done by accessing your Akashic Records to bring clarity to specific areas of your life.  Meditate on areas of your life that you would like to bring clarity to, and bring two to three clear questions to the session for healing and clarity.   Sessions are recorded at your request.  If you have any questions readings, email me at [email protected]